
Website Redesign

Envysion is a software company that provides cloud-based video surveillance solutions and audit programs to chain store operators in the restaurant and retail industries. After two years of dust settling on their sorely unmaintained website, envysion.com was ready for a faceliftβ€”big time. Not only was their current website difficult to navigate and failed to effectively communicate the value of their brand and products, Envysion had recently established a new brand position and product names which needed to be showcased in the redesign. The most amazing part? Our team successfully completed the project by nimbly managing it in-house and at half the budget. 

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In order to determine the goals and scope of the project, we first asked ourselves some key questions:

What are our visitors trying to accomplish when they come to our site?

What are the emotions and behaviors we want a visitor to experience upon visiting the site as a first point of contact with the brand? 

How can we make their web experience as quick, easy and intuitive as possible? 

How can create experiences that engage and nurture visitors from each of our uniquely different industry audiences? 



Redesign the envysion.com website from the ground up to :
  1. Improve search rankings with updated, search-engine optimized web content
  2. Improve user experience with enhanced look & feel and expanded resource-oriented content
  3. Effectively communicate new brand position and product names
  4. Construct a scalable, high-performing, and easily editable content management structure via Wordpress


Project Lead
Responsible for managing strategy, budget, timelines, and contractors



1.  Analyzed baseline web KPI data

2. Defined problem statements

3. Determined scope and budget

4. Identified existing and required resources

5. Organized work into manageable sprints

6. Recruited necessary resources

7. Executed along plan 

8. Launched



8 Weeks
278 Pages
14 Contributors
3 Videos
$10k Budget


Improving Search Rankings

To start, our team conducted an extensive keyword and search term audit among our own and competitors' websites to identify optimization opportunities. From there, we strategically developed content optimized for our target keywords and outlined a content marketing strategy to continue to improve search rankings and organic traffic. 


Enabling a scalable, easily editable site 

Even though we had to develop the site in an agile fashion to meet our tight timeline, we still designed the web foundation with long-term usability and scalability in mind. We started from scratch on a clean server and with a new Wordpress install, and selected Salient for our theme because of how widely supported it  is among the Wordpress community and how easy it was to customize and build page layouts on the fly with Visual Composer. 


Creating a Better User Experience

The old version of the website was difficult to navigate and had a clunky interface, resulting in a high bounce rate and poor user experience. In the redesign, great care was given to each element of the site structure, page layout, colors, fonts, icons and graphic elements to create a warm, human experience that was simple and clear to understand. 


Communicating brand position & product names

Gone are the days of envysion.com site visitors leaving befuddled and confused about who Envysion was and and what solutions they offered. Now that the redesigned website features the company's new corporate brand position and product names, understanding Envysion's unique value is much simpler. This improved messaging combined with content-specific calls-to-action resulted in a significantly increased quantity and quality of web leads. 



Launched a structurally sound, aesthetically appealing website on time and at half the budget

Increased average page session duration 

Increased conversion rate 

Increased velocity of deals from web leads 

Increased engagement with blog content and social media content 

Humanized the brand; more effectively communicated the value of our company brand and products